Our visitors generosity has been overwhelming in the past and especially this year - 2021. For which we are very grateful.
However we have had a rethink as we have far too many perishable goods...
If you wish to bring things for the animals we can only use non perishable foodstuffs.
So tinned cat and dog food or treats.
The donkeys do not need anything, thank you.
They are on varied and strict diets according to their health and teeth problems, and too much fruit and vegetables etc are not good for them at all.
What fruit and veg we do need we can buy ourselves in very small quantities.
All the donkeys require from you, is a cuddle, a brush and a donation in the box, if you wish to help pay for their daily needs and medicines.
From 2017 on, guided group tours are not possible anymore at CDR.
We regret we cannot accept visitors who come on organised tour operator buses or transport of any kind.
This is for health and safety and legal reason for the animals and visitors.
No exceptions can be made
Enjoy your stay and feel the peace and tranquility only a donkey can bring to a place!
Corfu Donkey Rescue
Corfu, Greece
E-Mail: corfudonkey@gmail.com