Of course, this may be paid on a monthly basis if you prefer. In order to get your certificate please write (preferably in English) to infocorfudonkey@gmail.com.
In all cases of correspondence please be sure to send your full name, postal address and email, and name of the chosen donkey.
To make vital savings on administration and postage costs your certificate and updates will be emailed to you.
Please note that we cannot always acknowledge receipt of renewal monies received due to staffing levels. All our attention is given to the daily care of our donkey friends and making sure that they are comfortable and happy. But please be assured that ALL donations are most gratefully received and your generous support is highly valued.
If you have questions or you need more information, please email Julie thru the Contact Form
Corfu Donkey Rescue
Corfu, Greece
E-Mail: corfudonkey@gmail.com